Mandurah, Monday 19th February…An agri-innovation precinct within the Transform Peel program is closer to becoming a reality after a significant Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was executed between Hon. Alannah MacTiernan MLC Minister for Regional Development; Agriculture and Food, Fund Singapore, Murdoch University and the Peel Development Commission.
Chair of the Peel Development Commission, Paddi Creevey, said the MOU paved the way to building a trilateral relationship where the partners would co-operate on an established strategic framework.
“We and our partners recognise that co-operation in ag-technology development, intensive food production and innovative start-up enterprises between Singapore and Western Australia will contribute to Singapore’s food security and to the Peel and Western Australia’s economic competitiveness and adoption of innovation. An agri-innovation precinct is, we believe, an essential element of the Peel Business Park within Transform Peel,” she said.
Dr Christopher Vas, Director of Murdoch University’s Singapore Centre for Research in Innovation, Productivity and Technology (SCRIPT) said the tripartite effort would further strengthen mutually beneficial trade, science and innovation ties between the two countries.
“Murdoch University enjoys a privileged position in Singapore and through SCRIPT we are involved across industry research and engagement activities and we will help to connect food producers in Peel with innovators and funders in Singapore.”
“The collaboration with Fund Singapore as a potential strategic investment partner is great news for Peel food producers. It will help them to access opportunities for expansion, value-added processing and importantly market access in Asia,” he said.
“Startups that enable ag-tech activities within and beyond the farm gate will also be sought to participate in this collaboration especially where food provenance, traceability, safety and security are concerned.”
Lester Chan, CEO of Fund Singapore, said the company shared the vision of the Peel Business Park and what the Transform Peel program represents to both Western Australia and Singapore.
“Fund Singapore has recently invested a significant amount in one of Western Australia’s high value agri-producers and entered into a joint venture with Murdoch University to invest in its education-technology startup. This signals a strong interest in the innovations and potential in this region. We believe strongly in the future of ag-tech innovation and that Peel and Murdoch can be strong partners for us to achieve a very productive future,” he said.
More on Transform Peel:
Transform Peel comprises three integrated, strategic elements: a 42,000 ha Peel Food Zone, a 1,000 ha Peel Business Park and the Peel Integrated Water Initiative. It is a long term program which is designed to ensure greater economic prosperity, and more diverse industries.
The Transform Peel program is located at Nambeelup in the Murray Shire of the Peel region of Western Australia and is devised, developed and delivered by the Peel Development Commission
The $49.3 million transformational program is currently funded by the Western Australian Government’s Royalties for Regions program
Media Contact: Andrew Ward, Chief Executive Officer, Peel Development Commission, , (08) 9535 4140